Wema Bukembe Development Organization

Impact and Achievements

Since inception, Wema Bukembe Development Organization has achieved
a number of goals. Here are some of them.

Impact and Achievements

Since inception, Wema Bukembe Development Organization has achieved a number of goals. Here are some of them.

Rehabilitated and educated 9,000+ children

Over the years, Wema has rescued and educated many needy children. Our strategy has been to educate one child per family, enabling that child to change their family’s future. We are grateful to the Harvard School Fund and Wema Children Incorporated for partnering with us in transforming the destinies of numerous families through education. We believe that education is a powerful equalizer in the community.

Wema Girls Cup impacts 300 girls in Bungoma County

The Wema Girls Cup is a soccer initiative based in the rural areas of Bungoma, Western Kenya. Initially launched with nine teams comprising 200 girls, it has now expanded to operate across 14 villages, supporting 14 teams with a total of 300 girls. Our vision is to extend this program to more villages, delivering our coaching and life skills curriculum to empower even more young women. Through our program, many girls have received bursaries and some have been recruited by larger teams, providing them with opportunities to further develop their talents and advance their careers.

Wema's bakery continues to feed many children

Wema received grants from The Partners Group and The University of Texas to establish a bakery, aimed at providing bread to 600 needy children to help them focus on their education. To date, the bakery has nourished 2,000 children, ensuring they have food in their stomachs as they attend classes.

Establishment of Vocational Training Program at Wema

Our C.E.O visited Pratham International in India in February 2024, and successfully convinced them to partner with Wema BDO in offering vocational training. In April 2024, we launched the Wema Technical Training Institute with Pratham as our knowledge partner. Since its establishment, the institute has provided training in masonry, plumbing, and ICT to 20 students, three of whom were women. 

Providing access to water to 3000 people

In January 2023 and  August 2023 Wema BDO received grants from Engineers without borders Chicago chapter, the Burr-Hidge Hinsdale Oak Brook Lions Club, the Lions Club International Foundation, Lions Club of Bungoma and Lions Club of Kakamega to distribute water from the Wema campus to the community, impacting the lives of 3000 people.

Our Recent Causes

This are some of our recent causes. The funds raise for different purposes are used for the better of the community.