Wema Bukembe Development Organization
In January 2023 the Wema organization worked in partnership with the Engineers without borders Chicago chapter, the Burr-Hidge Hinsdale Oak Brook Lions Club, the Lions Club International Foundation, and the Lions Club of Kakamega to distribute water from the Wema campus to the community
Access to clean water in Bukembe area is a big challenge. Most families, mostly women, have to walk for 5 kilometers to access water from the river. The WEMA school and surrounding schools/community is served by a borewell which is operated by a solar pump. The water pressure is low and cannot reach many in the community, and so people have to rely on untreated water from surrounding water bodies.
Number of direct beneficiaries and how calculated. 1305 (47 homes are serviced through the expanded waterline, and each has an average of 15 people; an additional 600 students at the WEMA school)
The expanded water system will help to improve the health of the community as residents will be less exposed to water-borne illness. Watch the presentation below;
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