Wema Bukembe Development Organization
Annual fee per student: $600
Daily meal per student: $30/mo or $360/yr
The objective of this program is to ensure that every child, regardless of their financial circumstances, has the opportunity to receive quality education and build a better future. Studies have consistently shown the transformative power of education on the lives of underprivileged children. The World Bank reports that access to education not only enhances individuals’ prospects but also contributes to poverty reduction and economic growth at the national level (World Bank, 2020).
We seek to partner with philanthropic individuals, organizations, and corporate sponsors who are committed to making a positive impact on society. By joining forces, we can identify deserving students from low-income backgrounds, who demonstrate the potential and motivation to succeed academically, and provide them with the necessary resources to pursue their education.
To ensure transparency and accountability, we use a rigorous selection process based on predefined criteria, including financial need, academic merit, and personal circumstances. Selected students receive financial assistance for tuition fees, school supplies, uniforms, and other educational expenses. Regular monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are in place to track students’ progress, address any challenges they may encounter, and maintain strong relationships with sponsors.
Please find below the budget estimate and read our stories to see the impact of previous beneficiaries. Also, watch these testimonials from previous beneficiaries, highlighting the positive impact of educational sponsorship. We are confident that your support will make a significant difference in the lives of these children and inspire others to follow suit.
Together, we can empower these deserving children and shape a brighter future for our community.
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